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Communications Design Industry Discussion, Inspiration, & Tutorials

Oct 3, 2017

Repost: Learning Reflections (comments open)

Professional Foundations: Collaborating, Researching, and Networking

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Busy Women...

This week I planned to explore interactive OERs (curricula, simulations, video lectures, etc) to add to my knowledge and understanding of these resources. This is a lofty goal for someone simply working full-time...and a bit too ambitions for someone currently interviewing, completing a freelance design project, and working full-time.

Image source, graphic river
Rather than research and develop a comprehensive learning guide, I studied one genre of these tools and began the outline of said guide.

This limited bit of research has greatly added to my understanding of these tool s, and I feel like I'm already becoming a more knowledgeable resource for my teaching & learning communities!

Engaging in a Community of Practice (CoP)

I joined a few LinkedIn communities when I began working in Instructional Design. Back then I was much  more curious and spent more time learning from and asking questions of my experienced peers. Today, I'm a bit more strategic about my community engagement (this is a euphemism for being rather quiet of late). So, I'm back in the game and enjoying the interactions with my peers. We really are a smart group!
I rekindled my acquaintance with the LinkedIn CoP/Networking group, 'Transformational Teaching with Technology' Reading recent forum posts and checking in on my past contributions. I had forgotten how engaged I when first meeting this community. However, this forum of over 2600 members has taken a turn toward self promotion. No longer are the recent posts conversation starters. In fact, all posts for the last 3 years, showcase someones external website, article, newly created video or interactive quiz... and none appear to have been viewed by any of the cohort; there is no commentary, there are no 'likes', and certainly no' shares'.
Feeling undaunted, I recently engaged with the 'eLearning Guild, then had an accidentally fruitful conversation with a representative with Gartner Research Suite... about their available resources and tools for online teaching and learning. Okay, that's grasping at straws, but I was pleasantly surprised by the information that I gained.
I do need to actively engage with these groups, so my plan is to make a connections at the close of the week to learn what my peers are doing with Open Educational Resources, whether they're successful...and how I can  duplicate their successes.


No anchor link said...

The communications and the design industry for your inspiration and the tutorials is managed here. Open your mind for the learning reflection. The value for available here for your work. The virtual job coarch is present here.

mikon said...

This is the history of art personal statement where people come by and write what they have experienced int heir lives and how they got help in solving the problems so that the wheel of the life gets running.
