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Communications Design Industry Discussion, Inspiration, & Tutorials

Dec 15, 2012

Portfolios That Inspire: Moxie Press & Co.

By On 07:55
If typography is high art, then letterpress is the best of paint, brushes, and canvas. Moxie Press & Co., the brainchild of Maryland designer Chris Undi, does it so well. This one-man shop offers design services, illustration, and printing. Not only is Chris a fantastic designer/pressman, he's also a good friend. Check out more of his work and see Moxie Press on Facebook: ...

Dec 11, 2012

The Online Portfolio

By On 18:11
Today is the perfect day to get started on yours. OR to update your existing online presence with recent work! Having an online portfolio does a lot to boost your street cred among potential clients and employers. It’s also: More Convenient than a Resume and saves time in a job search. This tool gives potential employers and clients a preview of your skills and abilities. In addition to the...

Dec 10, 2012

The Portfolio: Not Just for Creatives Anymore

By On 06:00
My buddy, Barbara*, works in marketing and does a lot of media writing. This year she gave a riveting AIGA talk about interviewing with a portfolio when not in the creative arts field. Today, a great article on Idealist.org loudly seconded her sentiment. It's good enough to share. According to Barb and Idealist every professional should arrive at an interview with a portfolio in-hand; "we do...
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