There are many things that I'll genuinely miss about ACNM; most notably, the commitment to the mission of promoting midwifery and women's health. I love being surrounded by folks who genuinely believe in the work they do (that's one thing that is true of ALL of the staff at ACNM). This is my main reason for choosing to work for non-profit organizations.
Other Positives of the Job:
- My awesome, collaborative communications team
- Telecommuting
- Designing lotsa Websites
- "treats in the lounge" emails
- Having coffee every Monday
- "We really love your work" emails
- Working with printers and learning their special jargon - I can fold a piece of paper in at least 12 different ways AND name them!
- Numerous opportunities to create logos
- Always being busy
- Redesigning or updating popular publications
- I designed the cool new Website. Booyeah!!
- Their 1-man IT team is incredible and deservers all props that staff and consultants give him!!
And, then there are the not-so positives:
- Kathy's love of using bold/red to create a feeling of urgency, and her die-hard commitment to Comic Sans as "a great informal font," remind me why I studied so hard to become a designer
- In nearly two years, I've had 5 lunch breaks (my bad)
- The feeling of too-many-cooks.
- 2-hour meetings
- Updating powerpoint presentations (I actually learned a ton about how to create visually interesting decks by searching the Help menu, so I suppose this isn't really that negative)