
Mar 9, 2012

Fix a Ruddy Complexion in Photoshop

I opened my email this morning to find a request to remove cheek redness from a photo for our newsletter. As soon as I fixed the picture I realized that I should pass on a quick and dirty how-to to the community. Remove cheek redness quickly:

1. In the Layers Window: copy your background layer , then select the new layer

2. Select the Lasso tool and change the feather radius to 2 px
(or up to 4 px if you’re working with a larger file)

3. Select Image > Adjustments > Hue/ Saturation.
With preview on:

  • move the Hue slider to the right between +1 and +10
  • move saturation slider to the left between -2 and -10
  • increase lightness by +1  to  +3

Click Preview off and on the see the results then hit “OK”.

4. Repeat until the portrait is perfect. Then delete your original background layer. Viola!

The final picture here shows only a single area of redness corrected.